
  • Культурный календарь
    Take part in curated experiences, events, performances, festivals and more… Experience culture in Abu Dhabi
  • Узнать
    Remains of the past, traditions that are a way of life, arts and skills passed down from generations, and a distinctive literary ethos – Abu Dhabi has many stories to tell.
  • Изучить
    The love for art, language, literature and history, and the efforts to make them known to today’s generation and preserved for future generations.
  • Испытать
    Unique landscapes, historic landmarks, world-renowned attractions, art and heritage festivals spirited celebrations and a passion for culture are the true embodiments of this multi-faceted city.
    Хаззайя, харруфа
    Хаззайя, харруфа
    Хаззайя, харруфа