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Performing Arts

Explore your creativity at home with a new series of live, online visual arts and music classes for people of all ages!

An Introduction to Music Theory & History

In this introductory course, students will learn to identify notes and scales and to understand the fundamentals of pattern and structure in music. Group sizes are kept small, in order to give students a personalised experience.

All ages

Cello Classes

This course combines teaching cello with a special focus on the Arabic Takht band and the teaching of rebabah. Students interested in this area will have the possibility to play a central role in the preservation of Emirati heritage.

All ages (10+)

Piano Class

In this set of classses, children will learn how to play the piano. Suitable for beginners to advanced levels. Music theory is also included in each lesson as well as learning to read music notes.

Children and teens (8-15)

Oud Classes

Under the supervision of oud master Naseer Shamma, this Oud class will focus both on keeping the tradition and evolving the practice of oud. The course includes instrument practice, performance and composition.

All ages (10+)

Piano Lessons

This set of classes is suitable for beginners and those with some experience in playing the piano. Music theory will also be included.

Children and teens (8-15)

Qanun Classes

The Qanun department is one of the oldest in Bait Al Oud, focusing on one of the central instruments of every Arabic Takht band; the qanun. The programme includes instrument practice, Solfege and performance.

Teens & Adults

Violin Classes

The Violin department focuses on the tradition of the Arabic Takht Band. While the course teaches violin in the Western classical music tradition, the Violin Department emphasizes the crucial role the violin plays within Arabic music.

All ages (10+)

Vocal Classes with Bait al Oud

The Vocal department of Bait Al Oud plays an important role in the preservation of traditional Arabic singing and the development of new singing talents. Students will learn the fundamentals of Moshahat, Qudood and Emirati Songs.

All ages (10+)

Voice Lessons: An Introduction to Singing

Singing is the act of producing musical sounds with the voice by the use of sustained tonality, rhythm, and a variety of vocal techniques. In this course participants will learn the five basic components of singing; pitch, breathing, rhythm, diction and voice. To become a good singer, let's start with the basics.

All ages

One-to-One Piano

Whether you grew up in a musical family, or are a complete beginner, there are unquestionable mental and physical benefits (aside from the enjoyment) to playing musical instruments. Furthermore, studies show it is truly never too late to start learning piano! We welcome students of all ages and levels, from young children to adult beginners to take this one-to-one online piano course.

All ages