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Legacy of our Ancestors: The Official 48th UAE National Day Celebration



Date & Time

4:00 PM to 8:30 PM


Zayed Sports City



Contact Details


A full moon shone proud over the Emirates on the night they were united. This luminous moon - the spirit of our nation - inspires us all and makes us one!

This December on National Day, long-held values of the UAE will be celebrated with stories told under the light of the moon at the Zayed Sports City Stadium in Abu Dhabi.

Stories about courage and pride, the resilient and resourceful, honourable and devoted, united and full of faith. Stories about the greatness of Emirati ancestors, whose spirit the nation will carry forward into the future. Their legacy lives on.

Held annually on December 2, National Day celebrates the UAE's Union Day between the seven emirates, which was followed by the joining of the seventh emirate, Ras Al Khaimah, in 1972.

The National Day of UAE stands for the nationalisation from the British Protectorate Treaties, which were declared in 1968.


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