In the live performance Automobile, Joe Namy invites locals to show off their cars with custom-designed stereo systems. These super-charged sound systems are then connected to create a network. The cars start their engines and speakers simultaneously, playing synchronised field recordings collected and composed by the artist.
In Automobile II, Joe Namy invites local artists to participate in a performance on Abu Dhabi’s corniche, using the unique sound systems of these cars and pushing them to their limits.
Automobile has been reconstructed within the local cultural context of various Arab and Western cities. In each city, Namy researches differences in custom-designed car stereos, music, and locations where they are showcased- all taking place inside a predominantly male youth subculture.
The event is presented by Abu Dhabi Art Durub Al Tawaya.
Image courtery: Automobile, Joe Namy Mannhiem @ Christian Kleiner