Maywa Denki was created in 1993, by two brothers in the Tosa family, Masamichi (the eldest) and Novmichi (the youngest). They began their career as an exclusive art unit under Sony Music Entertainment and in 1998 transferred their management to Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. Ltd.
Maywa Denki is produced by Novmichi Tosa and named after a company his father used to run. The costumes represent the typical uniform worn in Japanese electrical stores, symbolising small/medium-sized enterprises that used to support the country’s economy during its high-growth period. Maywa Denki’s unique style extends to each piece of work being called a ‘product’ and each live performance or exhibition, a ‘product demonstration’. ‘Products’ so far include the NAKI Series, fish-motif nonsense machines, and the Tsukuba Series, original musical instruments.
Minimum Age to attend: 6 years old.