Al-Razfa is a traditional performance comprising dance and poetry that is deeply rooted in United Arab Emirates culture and an important addition to intangible cultural heritage. Performed at weddings, national holidays and other special events, it is a popular Emirati performance that combines poetry with a dance that uses thin bamboo canes. In the past, swords or daggers were used instead of canes. This delightful art gives performers a sense of identity and communication through their songs and rhythms that have been maintained in Emirati culture for many years
The performanceSocial and cultural significance
Al-Razfa is an important feature at social and national occasions and weddings, as it is viewed as a form of celebration and an expression of gratitude and valour. It also is used at welcome ceremonies for dignitaries.
Al-Razfa plays a significant role in preserving traditional poetry. Poets who compose verses for Al-Razfa performances write original verses for the occasions.
Re-energising an ancient art
Is Al-Rafza popular? It is widespread in every segment of society and its practitioners are young and old alike. A public performance based on mass participation, parents encourage their children to perform Al-Razfa at events and gatherings – one of the reasons why the dance attracts so many participants. Children learn this heritage art through stimulation and gradual practice, as well as by watching the groups that perform Al-Razfa at social events such as weddings, festivals and anniversaries.
At a national level, heritage associations in the United Arab Emirates are committed to introducing Al-Razfa to children and adults. Cultural, educational and media institutions also help raise awareness of Al-Razfa.
The Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development, the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi, and other heritage associations and institutions in the United Arab Emirates promote the inclusion of traditional performance troupes at festivals, celebrations and social occasions. These efforts have led to an increase in both the size and number of Al-Razfa groups.