
Delma Museum

Home Cultural Sites Delma Museum

Housed in a former pearl merchant’s home, the Delma Museum is a rich source of archaeological history.

First inhabited by humans nearly 7,000 years ago, Delma Island is a treasure trove of important archaeological finds and historic buildings. One of the most interesting is a former pearl merchant’s house, which is now the location of the Delma Museum.

The Delma Museum, known as the Bait Al Muraikhi, exhibits artefacts of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when Delma was a major centre for the pearl trade. The museum also displays finds collected during the excavation and restoration of the building. Some items on display, including pearling equipment and stone anchors, were donated to the museum by residents of Delma Island.

An interesting element preserved within the historic building is a midbasah. This device for storing and pressing dates to produce date syrup (dibs) has been restored to its original condition.

There are also artefacts relating to the restoration of the four surviving buildings in the centre of the island’s old town. These include the museum building itself, as well as the Al Muraikhi Mosque, Al Dossari Mosque and Al Muhannadi Mosque.

The Delma Museum building is linked to an important figure from the island’s history: Mohammed bin Jasim Al Muraikhi, a famous pearl merchant. The original stone structure was built between the late 1800s and early 1900s as a space where the host conducted business and entertained guests.

Location Details

Delma Island
Al Dhafra


Opening Hours

Daily 9 am – 2:30 pm
Friday 9 am – 12pm

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